Dede Long



As an applied microeconomist, I am passionate about using causal inference, statistical analysis, and quasi-experimental techniques to address issues related to the environment and education

My recent and previous research has focused on examining the economic and environmental implications of public and private incentives aimed at promoting ecosystem services. In addition to environmental issues, my latest work also investigates factors influencing the academic decisions of underrepresented and female students, and evaluates interventions designed to improve enrollment in STEM and economics among marginalized populations.

I'm an assistant professor of economics at Harvey Mudd College, a STEM-focused liberal arts college in Claremont, California. Previously, I was an assistant professor of economics at California State University, Long Beach. 

I'm a proud #firstgen. You can reach me at dlong at

Research Interests: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics; Land use; Non-market Valuation; Economics of Education

In my free time, I enjoy reading books (mainly fiction) and binging documentaries. I track my leisure readings here. Two of my favorite documentaries in recent years are Minding the Gap and Boys State